
mercredi 29 mai 2013

Trinidad and Tobago Acceds to Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects on International Child Abduction

The Republic of Trinadad and Tobago will no longer tolerate international child abduction as it has now formally acceded into signatory status with the United States with resepct to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction. 

“Although international child abduction is not a new problem, the incidence of such abductions continues to grow with the ease of international travel, the increase in bi-cultural marriages and the rise in the divorce rate. International child abductions have serious consequences for both the child and the left-behind parent,” began an official statement issued by the Trinadad and Tobago government. “The child is removed, not only from contact with the other parent, but also from his or her home environment and transplanted to a culture with which he or she may have had no prior ties. International abductors move the child to another State with a different legal system, social structure, culture and, often, language. These differences, plus the physical distance generally involved, can make locating, recovering and returning internationally abducted children complex and problematic.”

The statement said that in keeping with the measures outlined in the convention, the 'Civil Child Abduction Authority' has since been established to act as the country's Central Authority in order  “to deal with all matters relating to the civil aspects of international child abduction between Trinidad and Tobago and contracting territories”.

The announcement was made following talks between Trinadad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and US Vice-President Joe Biden at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s.

The accession, which makes Trinadad and Tobago to become the 69th nation to be accepted by the United States would have happened sooner as the United States expressed interest in partnering with Trinidad and Tobago. However, discussions only began in November 2011 when the head of the central authority was appointed.

According to the International Child Abduction Act, 2008, a Central Authority known as the Civil Child Abduction Authority, was established in the Ministry of the Attorney General to deal with all matters relating to the civil aspects of international child abduction between Trinidad and Tobago and other countries.

Under this authority to date, Trinidad and Tobago has partnered with 48 member states. The accession was confirmed in Cabinet note No. 121 dated May 21, 2013.

In commenting on the accession, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said, "It is a signal of the continued strengthening of diplomatic relations between the two nations," and continued by emphasized the importance of “protecting the most vulnerable sect within our two societies—children."

The United States Central Authority continues to provide input to the Governments of Japan, Morocco, Russia, Singapore, and Thailand, as each country has drafted implementing legislation for Convention ratification or accession.

United States Central Authority officials have also met with foreign officials from the following countries to discuss IPCA and progress towards joining the Convention including Egypt, Ghana, India, Japan, Jordan, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea.

Julie Rosen of the I CARE Foundation commented, "The foundation's attorneys have worked closely with counsel in T and T as well as Anand Ramlogan's office, in providing practical advice on the challenges of international abduction in a way that assists targeted children while also remaining true to the spirit of the procedures required from a Central Authority. This is a big step forward for our friends in the Republic of Trinadad and Tobago, as well as children living in the Caribbean."

lundi 27 mai 2013

Summer Vacations and Child Custody Disputes: International Child Abduction

Peter Thomas Senese - Summer is the time of year when thousands of international abduction schemes will be launched. In many of these plots, the abductor will attempt to have the targeted parent arrested as part of their conspired plan. 

Summer school break represents the time of year when the vast majority of children are internationally abducted by one of their parents. Generally, these abductions occur in marriages or partnerships that have visibly been strained; however, not all kidnapping schemes have high visibility marks that a plot is being planned or underway.  In fact, the reality is the kidnapper does not want the other parent to have any clue or idea about what they're scheming.

I urge you to read Summer Vacations and International Parental Child Abduction as this article will explain in detail various scenarious on how a plot may be directed toward an unsuspecting parent.

In addition, I have provided a second article that specifically addresses how dual citizenship and a scondary passport issued from the expeced taking parent's country of origin may be used to wrongfully remove a child.  Pleae Read Summer International Child Abduction. Dual Citizenship and Two Passports. 

One of the most effective tools American citizens can use to stop child abduction is the Prevent Departrure Program. Certain criteria apply, so please read the article about the Prevent Departure Program and Stopping International Parental Child Abduction. 

Remember, the majority of international paental child abduciton cases occur when their is a brekdown in a multinational marriage or partnership.  When this occurs, often the individual living abroad - may want to return to their country of origin, and do so with their child or children. Knowing that the other parent is not likely to allow them to relocate with the child of the marriage or partnership, that person abducts. Along the way, they will often make false accusations agianst the other parent in order to have a court sanction their act of kidnapping.

In order to learn more aobut abduction, please visit the official website of Chasing The Cyclone and The I CARE Foundation.